Have you ever made yourself small so others did not get offended?
I know I have, actually this is the way I have been living, be seen but not heard. Almost everyone I have grown up around has dwelled that inside of me, you can be seen, but little girl you have no idea what you are talking about so do not be heard.
Now I know what all of this meant, we may make them feel uncomfortable if we speak. Being big while also being small is an impossible task for anyone. We have all been making ourselves small, performing just enough to gain attention but not truly being ourselves for fear of what everyone might think of the real “us”.
I have so many dreams and goals for myself, and not one of them is “small”. They are all BIG and wild and full of hope.They require FAITH and courage and a whole lot of audacity, which for those whom make you feel small..do not have. We cannot attain these goals and dreams unless we start embracing every side of our characters-including the sides of us that make other people feel uncomfortable. We cannot continue to live as half of ourselves simply because it’s hard for others to handle ALL of us. It is hard for people who do not understand us and who have no faith to fully be supportive. This is solely why our Creator made us all different and unique, to show each other there is NO one way to live or to become. How many of you are walking around living only half of your personality and in doing so, denying who your Creator made you to be? Do you really think God made you uniquely wonderful in hopes you would deny your true self and every potential he has given you because it might be off-putting to others? I know my Creator knew I would have BIG creative dreams. In the same way, another of his daughters was meant to stay at home and raise her beautiful babies, while another did not want kids at all. Have you spent your lifetime muting yourself for fear of what others will think? Do not remain silent when you have so much to say.
I will not show my son (and future children) that a mans dreams are endless, while a woman’s are not.
I believe that we are all not “mistakes” and our dreams are not “mistakes” for that they were placed within us for a reason. We all have jobs to do to serve our Lord, and it’s our choice whether we find the will to do them or find the will to sit down because that is what society is telling us to do. Our Lord watches to see what we do, whether we fight for him and achieve them or whether we do a disservice to ourselves and him and sit down to all that he has made us.
There are hundreds of ways to lose yourself, but the easiest of them all is refusing to acknowledge who you truly are in the first place.
The dreams you have are a road map to your divine calling.
Don’t miss out on the chance to live the life of incredible possibility in front of you. You were not made to be small and to be kept quiet. You are not a little girl, you don’t know everything, but you know enough to become exactly who God’s calling you to be.
Do not let your past define you, but use it to create the job you are here to do.